Office Administration, AAS

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    The Office Administration program allows students to select a specialty from a variety of career programs. In addition to a common core of office administration courses and courses specific to a student’s area of interest, each program includes courses that address the non-technical skills necessary for a staff member to become part of the office team. Further, students develop skills which allow them to pursue employment opportunities at the end of any semester of study. In addition to acquiring highly specialized skills and optional certification in specific areas, students may transfer to business programs at four-year institutions.

    Administrative Assistant Option

    This option is designed to provide graduates with the expertise necessary to function as top-notch administrative support personnel. Students pursuing this major may sit for the nationally recognized, Certified Professional Secretary’s (CPS) examination, after accumulating at least three years’ work experience in the field. The Administrative Assistant program offers courses in six disciplines covered on the CPS examination.

Career Options

    • Executive Administrative Assistant
    • Executive Assistant
    • Executive Associate
    • Administrative Specialis
    • Office Manager

BCCC's Advantage

    • Small class size
    • Virtual & remote learning
    • Majority of graduates transfer to a bachelor’s degree program or find job placements

Suggested Sequence of Courses

  • Every degree-seeking student must complete the College’s General Education Requirements in addition to the requirements of his/her academic program. Through the College’s General Education Requirements, students acquire basic knowledge of the disciplines in the areas of arts and humanities, social and behavioral sciences, biological and physical sciences, mathematics, English composition, and computer literacy.

    Find out more in the Baltimore City Community College Catalog

Program Brochure


  • Enyinnaya B. Iweha MD
    Interim Associate Dean Business and Technology Department
    Professor of Anatomy and Physiology
    Life Sciences Building, Room 318
    410-462-7696 (Office)